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2018 인제대학교 학술연구 선정

2018 한국보건산업진흥원 심장재활 임상진료지침 개발

2019 인해 오정희 인당 정진상 연구상 수상

2019 한국연구재단 생애첫연구사업 선정

2019 인제대학교 의과대학 신융합 연구 선정

2020 강소특구 특화성장 지원사업 수행

2020 강소특구 이노폴리스캠퍼스 사업 수행

2020 강소특구 양방향 기술발굴연계 지원사업 수행

2020 김해강소연구개발특구사업 부단장

2020 의료기기 벤처기업 주식회사 쉐어앤서비스 대표(http://snsmd.com)

2020 중소벤처기업부 예비창업패키지 선정

2020 지역 클러스터-병원 연계 창업 인큐베이팅 사업 선정

2020 대학기술경영촉진 (TMC) 사업 선정

2020 도전 K start up 왕중왕전 우수상 수상

2020 동남권 창업경진대회 대상 수상

2021 중소기업진흥공단 청년창업 사관학교 선정

2021 중소벤처기업부 민간투자 주도형 기술창업 프로그램인 팁스(TIPS) 선정

2021 대-스타 해결사 플랫폼-셀트리온 오픈이노베이션 최우수상 수상

2022 범부처전주기의료기기연구개발사업 디지털치료기기 부문 선정
▶ The Effect of a Self Exercise Program in Cardiac Rehabilitation for Patients with Coronary Artery Disease, Ann Rehabil Med 2011; 35: 381-387
▶ Retrodiscal Approach of Lumbar Epidural Block, Ann Rehabil Med 2011; 35: 418-426
▶ Impact of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation on in-stent restenosis with different generations of drug eluting stent, Ann Rehabil Med 2012; 36: 254-261
▶ Contrast spreading patterns in retrodiscal transforaminal epidural steroid injection. Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine, Ann Rehabil Med 2012; 36: 474-479
▶ The predictive value of ∑ΔST/ΔHR index for restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention, Ann Rehabil Med 2012; 36: 544-550
▶ Impact of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation on de novo coronary lesion in patients with drug eluting stent. Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine, Ann Rehabil Med 2014; 38(2): 256-262
▶ Impact of aerobic exercise training on endothelial function in acute coronary syndrome, Ann Rehabil Med 2014; 38(3): 388-395
▶ Cardiac rehabilitation of a patient with an advanced dilated cardiomyopathy, Ann Rehabil Med 2014; 38(4): 554-558
▶ Comparison of the effects of 1 Hz and 20 Hz rTMS on motor recovery in subacute stroke patients, Ann Rehabil Med 2014; 38(5): 585-591
▶ Cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction resuscitated from cardiac arrest, Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine 2014; 38(6): 799-804
▶ Sciatic Nerve Palsy after Semi-Fowler’'s Position during the Rotator Cuff Operation, J Korean EMG Electrodiagn Med 2014; 16(2): 80-84
▶ The Effect of High Interval Training in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients with Drug Eluting Stent, AJPMR 2015; 94(10): 879-886
▶ Vitamin D, K2 Supplementation on Osteoporosis Treatment, Geriatric Rehabilitation 2016; 6: 22-26
▶ Thoracic Radiculopathy due to Rare Causes, Ann Rehabil Med 2016; 40(3): 534-539
▶ The Effect of Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise Training on Cardiopulmonary Function in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy With Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction. Ann Rehabil Med 2016; 40(4): 647-656
▶ Influence of Low Peak Respiratory Exchange Ratio on Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease. Ann Rehabil Med 2016; 40(6): 1114-1123
▶ Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise Training for High-Risk Cardiac Patients. Ann Rehabil Med 2017; 41(4): 650-658
▶ Characteristics and Clinical Course of Dysphagia Caused by Anterior Cervical Osteophyte. Ann Rehabil Med 2019; 43(1): 1-11
▶ Clinical Practice Guideline for Cardiac Rehabilitation in Korea. Ann Rehabil Med 2019; 43(3): 355-443
▶ Clinical Practice Guideline for Cardiac Rehabilitation in Korea. Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2019;52:248-329
▶ Clinical Practice Guideline for Cardiac Rehabilitation in Korea. Korean Circ J. 2019 Oct;49(10):e129
▶ Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia during phase II cardiac rehabilitation in a patient with heart failure: a case report. J Geriatr Cardiol 2020; 17: 64-66
▶ The Effect and Safety of Aerobic Interval Training According to Exercise Intensity in Acute Coronary Syndrome. JCRP 020;40:(3):178-182
▶ One-year follow-up of heart transplant recipient with cardiac rehabilitation Medicine 2020;99:17
▶ Comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome: A case series Respiratory Medicine Case Reports 2020;31:101161
▶ Do Patients Maintain Proper Long-Term Cardiopulmonary Fitness Levels After Cardiac Rehabilitation? A Retrospective Study Using Medical Records Ann Rehabil Med 2021;45(2):150-15
▶ Comprehensive Respiratory Muscle Training Improves Pulmonary Function and Respiratory Muscle Strength in Acute Stroke Patients. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 2021;41:166-171
▶ Forecast the Exacerbation in Patients of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with Clinical Indicators Using Machine Learning Techniques. Diagnostics 2021, 11, 829
▶ The efficacy and safety of high-intensity interval training in chemotherapy-related cardiomyopathy: Report of two cases. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2022;68: 290~294
▶ Development of a Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test Protocol Using Aquatic Treadmill in Healthy Adults: A Pilot Study. Healthcare 2022;10: 1522(1)~(10)
▶ Current status and trends of pulmonary rehabilitation in South Korea. MEDICINE 2022;101: e31085(1)~e31085(5)
▶ Peak oxygen uptake and respiratory muscle performance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. MEDICINE 2022;101: e31244(1)~e31244(8)
▶ The clinical efficacy of a mixture of ivy leaf extract and coptidis rhizome in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. MEDICINE 2023;102: 5
▶ The Efficacy of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Life-Basel 2023;13: 403(1)~403(13)
▶ Participation and Prognostic Impact of Cardiac Rehabilitation After Acute Coronary Syndrome: Big-Data Study of the Korean National Health Insurance Service. J Korean Med Sci. 2023 Apr 17;38(15):e119

▶ Geriatric rehabilitation medicine, 군자출판사
▶ 근골격계 질환의 진단 및 재활치료, 개정 4판, 한미의학